Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Asaph Hall Biography Sources

Thursday, February 19, 2015

apod 3.5

This week's APOD is titled Mobius Arch Moonrise. February moons shine through the clouds in this picture. A night skyscape is visible towards the left of the sky. Orion is visible at the right of this picture, which is known as a famous northern constellation. Jupiter is towards to center at the top of this picture as well. Jupiter is also known as the solar system's top notch gas giant. Under Jupiter is Big Dog, Sirius, which is the alpha star in this constellation.

Friday, February 13, 2015

apod 3.4

This week's APOD is titled NGC 1333 Stardust. This NGC 1333 is also known as a reflection nebula.It is roughly 1,000 light years away away from the wonderfull constellation by the name of Perseus. It is covered by blue lines that are reflected from the dust. It is located in the molecular cloud that forms stars. This view shows roughly 2 entire full moons  and it is roughly 15 light years at NGC 1333. It specifically shows details in the dusty area with the redish light from the Herbig-Haro objects. NGC 1333 is actually known to contain millions of stars that are extremely old.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

stellar nursery


Friday, February 6, 2015

apod 3.3

This week's APOD is titled "Along the Western Veil". These filaments are in the Earth's sky near the constellation of Cygnus. This is what makes up the western part of the Veil Nebula. Is it by itself the largest supernova remnant ever. It not only has a cloud that is getting larger, but it has reached an explosion about 5,000 years ago. It zoomed through the interstellar shock and went straight to the explosion. The Veil Nebula is also named the Cygnus loop and it spans about 3 degrees which is also 6 times the diameter of the moon.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


This week I made many observations from Sarasota, FL between the time of 7:30-10 PM. I saw Jupiter and Venus many times throughout the week. I also spotted some constellations. I saw Hercules, Andromeda, Pegasus, Lynx, and Auriga.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

apod 3.2

This week's APOD is titled Clouds and Crosses over Haleakala. This stunning skyscape was taken from Maui in Hawaii. This cloud layer that is seen in the picture is right above the volcanic caldera's edge. This starry night sky above is absolutely breathtaking. When you roll over the picture, you can see an outline of Northern cross appear. You can follow the arc of the Milky Way from the arc all the way to the Southern Cross.